By: Daniel CalderÓN

The housing market is in a stand off, much like a classic western movie, between buyers and sellers — who will budge first?

We have gone from historically low rates and crazy high demand to higher rates and much lower supply. With enough demand to meet the low supply, prices are just not going down. In fact, in many markets we have seen a slight INCREASE in home prices. 

The reality is American homeowners today have equity and in many cases a lot of it. If sellers can find a replacement property that makes sense for them – whether it is upgrading to a larger home or downsizing to a smaller home or simply relocating –  people are still making the move despite the high rate environment.

With that said, regardless of the market we are in, it is important for sellers to do these five things in order to maximize their sale to its full potential.

1. Home Preparation/Decluttering

Redlands Real Estate

First, if you are selling then the end goal is to move. So it ABSOLUTELY makes sense to begin preparing your house for both the sale AND the move at the same time. Yes by *dun dun dun* packing up personal belongings and anything that could be construed as unnecessary and or clutter. This is a FREE way to give your home a fresh makeover and simultaneously make spaces feel larger. And yes the added bonus is that when you actually move later, the process will be just a little less overwhelming.

A decluttered home will always sell for more. 100% of the time. Buyers love to envision themselves in the homes they are considering. Optimizing space and removing personal belongings, i.e. hair dryers, toothbrushes, guitars, kids toys, collectibles, unnecessary decorations/furniture will go a long way. Another easy way to declutter is by removing photos of yourself from the home. The aim is to make spaces feel less personal and more organized.

If interior design is just not your thing then another effective tool to prep your home for listing is to hire professional staging services. Staging can absolutely pay dividends for sellers. Especially if you plan on moving out completely before showings. Empty homes are not particularly photogenic. Regardless, staging companies are fantastic at helping buyers visualize what they want with designs targeted specifically to the current market.

In the end, whether you’re just Marie Condo-ing it yourself (I hope this first tip sparked JOY) or hiring professionals, either or will net greater returns compared to doing nothing at all.

2. Adding Value (A little goes a very very long way)

Redlands Real Estate Agent

A lot of people think repairs are absolutely necessary no matter what. This is not true. Again, it is always about YOU and your situation. The question is: What will add value based on your own home?

A little goes a very long way. A deep clean. A fresh coat of paint. Fixing up a broken faucet in a main living area. The idea here is that we want to look at repairs that will not only be recaptured in the sale of your home but will actually make you money. It is all about ROI (Return On Investment) at this phase. So make sure you are working with a Real Estate agent that is on the same page and knows what type of repairs will add value to your home.

3. Attention (Eyes eyes eyes)

We want all the eyes on your home! You need to make sure your Real Estate agent is doing everything they can to put your home in front of as many people as possible. Don’t care how they are doing it. Direct mail. Door knocking. Broker tours. Social media advertising. The point is to get eye balls on your house!

Presentation of your listing online is the first impression. And first impressions are sometimes the only impressions. The point is, we need to get people in the door. And there are many creative ways to accomplish this. Does you listing have a virtual tour? Does your listing have a video walkthrough? Does your photography look professional? Does your Real Estate Agent understand the special features that your house has to offer? Does the house description speak to what buyers are looking for? These are just a few ways to really stand out and attract more buyers to come see your home in person. The point is, we want as many people coming to your home as possible. This will result in the best possible offer (and hopefully multiple).

4. Strategic Pricing

Redlands Realty Services

Ah the dreaded topic of pricing. It is a decision all sellers must face. And pricing is a significant piece of the puzzle.

There is not necessarily one strategy here. A lot of factors come into play.  The overall market, recent comps, style, floor plans, views, lot details (have you done the other 4 things on this list?), etc. etc..

Do not fret at all. Price correctly and competitively. Most homes will also need an appraisal (done by the lender of the buyer) so the sale price must reflect the current market. If a home is priced appropriately buyers will see it as such. If priced too high you can potentially do more harm than good by scaring buyers away.

5. Partnering up with the right professional

Real Estate Agent Highland

Selling is a journey. Finding an agent that works with you and your goals in mind is absolutely the best way to get the most out of your sale. It is all about you. It really is. So find an agent that puts you first. And will go above and beyond to make sure you don’t leave any money on the table.

If you need any help, or have any questions, I would love to hear from you. I’m a pressure-free agent. I love helping people. I am available by phone, email, and text. We can begin strategizing and putting together the best plan possible for you and your family.

I would love to help.

(909) 817-8191